TFCMD Getting Started

Table of Contents


This section covers the basics on how to set up and use TFCMD (tfcmd).

TFCMD is available as binaries. Make sure to download the latest release and to stay up to date with new releases.


An easy way to use TFCMD is to download and extract the TFCMD binaries to your path.

  • Download latest release from releases
    • wget <binaries_url>
  • Extract the binaries
    • tar -xvf <binaries_file>
  • Move tfcmd to any $PATH directory:
    mv tfcmd /usr/local/bin


Before interacting with Threefold Grid with tfcmd you should login with your mnemonics and specify the grid network:

$ tfcmd login
Please enter your mnemonics: <mnemonics>
Please enter grid network (main,test): <grid-network>

This validates your mnemonics and store your mnemonics and network to your default configuration dir. Check UserConfigDir() for your default configuration directory.


You can run the command tfcmd help at any time to access the help section. This will also display the available commands.

cancelCancel resources on Threefold grid
completionGenerate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
deployDeploy resources to Threefold grid
getGet a deployed resource from Threefold grid
helpHelp about any command
loginLogin with mnemonics to a grid network
versionGet latest build tag


Once you've logged in, you can use commands to deploy workloads on the TFGrid. Read the next sections for more information on different types of workloads available with TFCMD.

Last change: 2024-02-27